
Last week, we provided you with 20 very useful websites, now, here another Top 20 representing some of the most useful websites:

1. netflixroulette.net : Find something random to watch on Netflix.

2. gfycat.com : Upload your gifs.

3. ninite.com : Download all the free software you want at the same time.

4. shouldiremoveit.com : Find out which applications you should remove from your computer. 

5. keybr.com : Practice your touch typing.

6. readability-score.com : Find out how readable text is.

7. mint.com : Budget your money.

8. duckduckgo.com : A search engine that is not following you.

9. zillow.com : Another great source for finding your next home.

10. printwhatyoulike.com : Print precisely what you want from any webpage. 

11. freecycle.org : A network of people giving away free stuff in their towns.

12. recipepuppy.com : Search for recipes based on the ingredients you have.

13. charitynavigator.org : Evaluates various charities.

14. radioreference.com : Listen to radio channels across the nation.

15. wolframalpha.com : A computational knowledge engine.

16. whatismyip.com : Figure out you I.P. address.

17. simplynoise.com : Listen to white noise.

18. ptable.com : An interactive periodic table.

19. searchtempest.com : Search all of craigslist with one search.

20. thistothat.com : Find out the best way to glue this to that.

We will always provide you with more !

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