
Apple wants to introduce you to their "way of life", with their new project introduced in the WWDC, Apple want to track your health and fitness, also, control your home via Siri and iOS and all their products.

HealthKit and HomeKit, two new platforms introduced by Apple that are supposed to change your way of life.

HealthKit and your medical record

Apple wants to go far and serious in this project, recently, the Apple firm signed a paterneship with Mayo Clinic and Nike, to make their HealthKit becoming your personal medical record. Doctors could track your health state in real time by receiving alerts from your HealthKit, and collect your health data like your cardiac rhythm, blood pressure and sport activities...

Until now, the HealthKit is presented by a new Health App developed by Apple, it is similar to the Passbook app, it will be able to get information from a third party application like Nike and others...

The HealthKit will be more developed in the future to reach Apple's ambitions.

HomeKit and smart home

Apple promised their users with a platform dedicated to home control, a HomeKit will be implemented to let you control you house equipments using voice commands via Siri.

Many partnership were signed with Phillips and others to provide controllable equipments like light bulbs, doors, windows and more...

Apple will be a concurrent of Google that acquired the start up specialized in smart homes, Nest.

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