
The Ice Bucket Challenge is the trending subject over the Internet these days, but what is it ?!

It's an act from the ALS association that have the goal of fighting and curing ALS, the abbreviation stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, which is a neurodegenerative nerve disease that slowly destroys the brain's ability to move the body.

The ALS organization is raising funds for its research group in a cool way, you will have to donate $20 and then film yourself pouring a bucket of ice water over your head, after that, you ill have to mention three people that you want to challenge doing the same thing. Celebrities around the world has made the challenge and posted their videos.

Bill Gates was nominated by Mark Zuckerburg who has previously did the challenge, Bill Gates accepted the challenge and posted his video that you can watch below,then he nominated three persons which are Elon Musk, Ryan Seacrest and Chris Anderson.

the challenge has raised $9.5 million dollars for ALS research according to the ALS association.

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